Young Carers

Northamptonshire Young Carers Service

Northamptonshire Young Carers Service exists to help promote the health and wellbeing of young carers and their families.

We will work to make sure young carers are identified and recognised within our local community and help to prevent them taking on more responsibility than they should or could cope with. We aim to help them reduce feelings of isolation. We understand that young carers are individuals in individual families and have different needs.  We will allow young carers and their families a say in what our support will be with a focus on improving confidence and helping prevent the type of problems that young carer families may face.

We aim to promote an understanding of the balance needed between being a Carer and having an opportunity to have hopes and dreams that will in turn help young carers to fulfil their individual potential.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion:

Northamptonshire Young Carers Service are striving to be an inclusive organisation.  We are taking steps in improving our equality, diversity, and inclusion.  Please visit this page regularly as we will be constantly updating it!


Young Carers Black and Asian Inclusion Group!

Northamptonshire Carers are currently working on a project called Making Carers Count.  We are focussing on Black and Asian Carers (any carers who have been discriminated against due to the colour of their skin). 

As part of this project, we have signed up to #MyNameIs and The Big Promise – please see section below “Use of phonetic spellings on email signature”.

Our next plan is to get a better understanding of Black and Asian Carers and how we can be more inclusive.  So, we are looking for Black and Asian Young Carers / Young Adult Carers up to the age of 24 to be part of a group to help us look at your experiences and support needs.  As part of the group you will get to attend some groups online and in person, or give written feedback on the work we are doing, to share your personal experiences so we can make sure we are offering Black and Asian Young Carers correct support. 

If you would like to be part of this group, please email Phil on [email protected] or text/Whatsapp on 07834 510519 to let us know you are interested.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Use of pronouns on email signature:

One step we are taking towards being an inclusive organisation is encouraging staff to add their pronouns to their email signatures. Pronouns are used when referring to an individual in the third person – such as he and she.  These generally assume someone’s gender which is not always accurate or helpful.  

Knowing someone’s pronoun(s) is an important step in showing respect, just like knowing someone’s name and how to pronounce it correctly.  Seeing someone sharing their pronouns can make a huge difference to everyone, especially those who identify as non-binary or trans, as it shows that we are inclusive and open to having the conversation with individuals.  

It is one way of communicating that everyone is safe and welcome within Northamptonshire Carers and Northamptonshire Young Carers Services.

For more information on why we are sharing pronouns and why this is important, visit the Pronouns Matter website: 


Use of phonetic spellings on email signature:


In a recent poll 73% of respondents from more than 100 organisations said their names were mispronounced.  *Race Equality Matters

If someone has a name that people find difficult to pronounce quite often what happens is the name is pronounced incorrectly and the individual is then known by that ‘new name’ or nickname or a simplified surrogate name such as “Abdullah” becomes “Jeff”.

Northamptonshire Carers want staff and Carers to be respected and to be able to be their whole self.  #MyNameIs…., is a simple but impactful solution to ensure everyone pronounces people’s names correctly.  As an organisation we have adopted the phonetic name spelling campaign to help tackle race inequality.

For more information on this, and the Big Promise, please see our dedicated page: The Big Promise

Self-Identification Form:

Northamptonshire Young Carers Service LGBTQ+ Inclusion Group have put together a diversity self identification form.  This is your chance as a registered Young Carer (secondary school Year 7 and above) to tell us about yourself - preferred name, pronouns, gender identity, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, religion.

The form can be found at:

Our policies:

Northamptonshire Carers has some policies that are particularly relevant to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

The first policy is Northamptonshire Young Carers Service Anti Bullying Policy.  This outlines different types of bullying and what we will do about it if it is reported.


The second one is our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.  This is primarily for staff, but the principles are transferable to carers/young carers.



LGBTQ+ Inclusion Working Group:

Northamptonshire Young Carers Service have a LGBTQ+ Inclusion Working Group!  The aims of this group are to ensure we are inclusive of those who identify as LGBTQ+, and to socialise and support each other!

If you are a registered young/young adult carer and want to be part of the group please email Phil on [email protected] 

