The Needs & Aspirations project was founded around 11 years ago and has changed over the years trying to keep up with the requirements of Carers in the activities they provide.

To ensure Serve continue to meet the needs of Carers in Northamptonshire, earlier this year they undertook on a consultation with Carers that attended the groups and activities as well as trying to get the opinions of those Carers who do not attend the activities to find out why.

The results of the survey can be found HERE

Serve are always happy to hear the opinions of Carers in the county with suggestions for activities they would like to see in the future so please make contact directly with them with your ideas.

To see the latest opportunities, a paper copy can be obtained by making contact with Serve directly on:

 01933 315555 or email them at [email protected]

Alternatively the latest version can also be downloaded from our WEBSITE